Amidst touring all the public restrooms in our county, we've managed to have some good times too. (Not that hanging out in restroom stalls reading "Chugga Chugga Poo Poo - The Potty Train" isn't a good time.) First off, we were currently without science projects, so we headed on back to the bug museum to pick up a few more caterpillars. I think I'm addicted to the life cycle of the butterfly.

Thursday was a children's class at the garden, with a guest speaker who came to talk about weeds. Ethan announced to the group,
"Hey we have lots of those!"
They got to plant some bean seeds and then watch them get watered naturally, like a good Washingtonian.

Friday we met Sonia and Nadia at the park. It was a gorgeous morning (though I did spend a good chunk of it in the restroom.)

It was fun to catch up. This was also the site of our first public accident. It was no big deal, since I had brought 4 or so changes of clothes with us. I come prepared. Even though Lucas only goes 2 to 3 times a day...... You never know.

Saturday was a very special day. I spent the morning catching up with a jr. high/high school friend that I have missed so much! It was like no time at all had passed - fabulous! Then, we were all gussied up and off to witness the marriage of a girl I started babysitting when she was 4! Her family has always been oh so close to my heart - it was a very spcial day. Jill was beautiful and the wedding was absolutely charming and personal. There were all these little touches that were just so "Jill"!

Being right during naptime, we were a little worried about how they'd be acting, but they did fabulously! Ethan was enthralled by the whole ceremony - could not take his eyes off the couple. Lucas did have to go on one potty run, but managed to whisper his request instead of his normal shout of alarm.

After the ceremony was a delicious lunch - chicken and pasta makes us oh so happy! Upa took the boys for lots of little walks to keep them busy.

Lucas came back announcing to everyone that he had seen
"A DEER! I saw a deer! Just like Upa's house!" Then we realized he meant John Deere - as in the tractor. The toasts were fun. Lucas downed his cider in no time - Ethan took his time and enjoyed looking like a grown-up.

The cake was divine. And the sugar rush perked the boys right up. They enjoyed taking pictures with the camera. Lots of them.

When Ethan got tired of self-portraits and funny faces, he moved on to photographing every page of his book.

The boys are single, so I made sure to get them up there for the garter toss. They didn't catch it - but Lucas was determined to follow the groom around after that in case he might throw something else. Hard to explain. What is also hard to explain is what exactly a garter is and why they want to catch it. Never came to a good answer on that one.

Such fun! As we left Ethan requested that we go to another wedding again sometime soon. I said as long as it's not his ;). Thanks Jill and Jordy for a great day and letting us be a part of your new life together!
1 comment:
I love the enthusiasm of this post! I can just see you encouraging your kids catch the garter! (...good luck on the explanation of that one!)
Glad you had a good time!
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