Friday brought us back to Chuck's for a little game fun with our friends Sonia and Nadia - which was fabulous because it was not crazy at all there! The kids could play and we could chat. There were not 2,492 kids there to drive me nuts. Only our crazies.
After we ate, we decided to go out to the Clear Creek Trail for a little nature walk. When the sun comes out in WA, it is time to get outside! It all started well. Ethan and Nadia were talking on their ID cards they got at Chuck's, pretending they were cell phones and they were passing on secret codes. It was a great walk and there were lots of giggles, so we headed all the way out to the end of the trail. All was well until we headed back. That's when the whining and bickering started, but it was funny. At one point, we heard Ethan yelling that he was stuck. Nadia was stading on the side of the trail, nonchalantly playing with a branch. I finally gave in and went to get E. He was lying in a ditch on the side of the trail. "She pushed me! And she was sitting on my head!" Nadia: "Yeah, well he said bad words to me." Me: "Ethan, what did you say?" Ethan: "Nothing. I said nothing." Nadia: "He said he would kick my butt." Ethan: "No, I said I would... kick her to the bugs. The bug museum and lock her in there." It was really hard not to laugh.
When we got home, we figured we'd meet Daddy at the bus stop. We were really early (my math on timing it was not at all right). The boys did not want to go back home, so instead they put on a parade, marching up and down the hill. I'm sure the neighbors enjoyed it. Who doesn't enjoy two shouting kids stomping up and down the street?
There are Saturdays and then there are Saturdays.... Yesterday was the kind of Saturday where you stuff 3 days worth of activities into one. And it was a blast. Even without naps, the boys were awesome. It started with Ethan and Brian heading out to breakfast with our friend Todd, who happened to be in town. I asked Lucas what he would like to do for our date and he told me " I walk past the water." I could not figure out what he was talking about and shot out several suggestions, but he just kept saying it. So, we jumped into the car and went down to the park down the street, which is on the water. We sat and watched the seagulls and the ferries passing bye and he was thrilled. He is easy to please. Next stop was haircuts! No more shaggy boys! The highlight for the employees there was Lucas parading through after visiting the restroom with Brian and shouting "I went PEE!" Complete with fist pump.

Next we headed to the beachfront house of a family from church to check out low tide and all the creatures that go along with it. The best part was we got to spend time with the visiting McConnels. Jess and baby girl are looking fabulous! I do believe the baby is taking a picture in this photo. We were so excited to get to see them!
It was perfect weather and there were lots of things to look at.
The boys were all over Todd and loved looking at all the crabs he found. Liam cracked me up because he could not decide if he was enjoying himself or not. I think by the end he'd decided it was pretty darn cool.
The moon snail was awesome. Especially when it started moving. Creepy.
And this was the moon snail excrement. Which I totally just thought was trash. Awesome!
What a great place! We picnicked in the shade and just enjoyed our time with our friends. Ethan and Liam had a blast playing together. Though no one would pose well for pictures....

There was one great game of Dinosaur chase - hilarious. Liam has a great "roar!".
Lots of laughing, a little bit of wrestling, and then some tears when it was time to go. We do miss them!

Throwing rocks is always a hit. As long as you don't hit your daddy.... I think Lucas would be happy chucking rocks all day long.
After that, it was time for Pastor Bob's birthday party! He threw a big party at his house in honor of his birthday for all the kids from the church. I think the biggest hits were the bounce house, bubbles (don't they look thrilled?! ha!),
and of course s'mores. Everyone loves a good roasted marshmallow!
Ethan was quick to point out to everyone who would listen that he was deprived because he has never actually been camping. Lucas just loved feeling like a big kid.
They had all sorts of awesome games and activities in stations around the yard. My favorite was the twig marble maze - so easy to make and really cool!
We had fun. Lots of it. Brian headed off to a "Steak Night" for guys at church and I took home two very tired, very smelly boys. Bath/Shower and off to bed they went. And then I crashed. What fun! And with Brian there I didn't have to take Lucas on all the millions of potty trips! Awesome!
1 comment:
Such a fun post! Loved the pictures, esp. the one of Jess- and of course the ones of Liam. I should get some of those pics printed! Donita
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