Sunday, November 13, 2011

Crazy Fowl

 Right now there are angry birds flying around my head.  It started innocently enough....  We build a structure with the big legos......
 And then place the piggie on the top...  Let er' rip!  Knock him off with the yellow and red birds that happened to be angry.
Lots of fun except that now it has morphed into just crazy bird throwing.  And as I attempt to accomplish things around here, I am being pelted from all sides....  and not just by my children....  I guess I can at least be excited about all the giggles - there are many....  And there is some great gross motor skill development here....  But I'm not sure I can take it....
The boys had to find something to entertain themselves, as I was otherwise engaged this week... Last week I apparently got a pill stuck in my throat (I have an abnormal little shelf in there caused by some aortic something or other) and had to have an upper GI endoscopy to check it out.  I was sure it was a spider in there, but the doc insisted that the only thing he found was a football...
I now know that I have to drink two glasses of water with all pills and can no longer take pills at bedtime.  And I also know what the inside of my esophagus looks like.  It's beautiful, I say.  
We are in the throes of preparing for Thanksmas.  So much to do, but we enjoy it all.  Except for this musical turkey thing Uma and Upa loaned the boys.
There are singing turkeys and there are birds flying at my head.  I'm giving up now.  On to bigger and better (and safer) things....  Although now they are balancing the pig on each other's heads and trying to knock it off.  I can't decide if this is better or worse...

1 comment:

Jessica said...

Sounds like a GREAT game!! And yes, your esophagus is BEAUTIFUL!!