I hate getting behind on my blogging, but thus is life. This won't get me quite caught up, but close. Last Friday ( a week ago), we headed out to Sequim to "go camping" with some friends from church. Ethan insisted, "This is NOT camping. We are not sleeping in a tent." I convinced him that it was okay, since our friends were and we were just "Day Camping". It satisfied him (for now) and we headed out on the drive. I only had to make one big u-turn (a trip record! - I have absolutely no internal GPS). We arrived in one piece and were treated to some fun playground running at the campsite and delicious biscuits and gravy made over the campfire - too cool! (See Ethan, camping with mommy would be boring old cereal and granola bars just like home - this is way cooler!) Next we headed down to "the spit". It was a long hike down - though the boys' highlight was the portapotty we had to use before going down. Lucas kept looking for a flush button - pushed everything he could find in there - GROSS!
As one could probably guess - Lucas was freaked out by the unpredictability of the waves, and Ethan loved them. All three boys were definitely fascinated though.
I didn't realize how filthy the boys were until we were in target picking up some bandaids for my burn (oh yeah, I stupidly burned my thumb brushing ash off Ethan's hot dog). They were covered head to toe in dirt. We headed off the bug museum and I changed their clothes in the parking lot, just in time for our friend Nadia and family to show up. We admired all the bugs and Ethan told Nadia all about writing to the tarantula, Chaco, on facebook. Lucas announced he needed to potty. There is no bathroom at the store, but luckily I had one of his little potties in the back of the car for just such emergencies. He followed me out, watched me place the potty next to the car, shook his head and said, "Go potty here? I no need to go potty." And walked away rolling his eyes.
We also enjoyed an exciting dinner at the Airport Diner. Not because there were lots of planes, but because we visited the restroom at least 5 times during the meal and said "Use your inside voice" about 1,000 times. It was packed. There was a couple right next to us on a romatic date. I think they may never have children now.
Saturday was spent living it up at the Y - swimming, playground-ing, and zumba-ing, and then off to Poulsbo to meet Uma and Upa for a hike. We had a great trail guide....
We dinnered at "The Market"- boys had pizza and I got a VERY expensive salad bar (who knew beets weighed so darn much!). Off to the park we went. I was in the middle of a good book, so for most of the time I sat in the middle of this merry go round reading while the boys pushed me. It was fun... for me.
Sunday was a BBQ at our friends' house - Alex and Kenzie. The kids (there were a bunch) had a blast- especially with the giant inflatable ball. I so wish I had taken a picture, but I was enjoying being lazy and socializing. The best two moments were when they pushed one little girl (inside the ball) up the slide, and when Ethan poised himself to jump from on top of the play set onto the ball (yes mother, I stopped him). It was awesome!
That brings us to Monday and now you'll have to wait... Ethan is begging for a waffle and I've got my first meeting of the year to go to....
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