The park at Mt. Rainier- especially the visitor center - was packed. No parking unless we were willing to hike a long way uphill with the boys (we were not). So - we mostly saw the mountain views through the window. But it was still cool!
Ethan was determined that we would "walk" (hike). And so we found a short hike through old-growth forest. It was very cool.
The boys (Brian included) were fascinated by the huge trees. Ethan was a super-hiker. He trekked the whole way by himself including up some pretty darn steep hills!
Lucas, on the otherhand, wanted to walk about 20 steps, then be carried another 20, then walk, repeat.... My arms were dead tired by the end.
After that, we took our last hike (.1 miles on a boardwalk really cannot be considered a "hike") to a pretty viewpoint and played with the camera.
Ethan took pictures of us. Lucas tried really hard, but only accomplished messing up the camera for a bit.
The drive back was somewhat painful - but considering all we did, they did great! We had to hurry home as Brian and I went to a dance/clinic last night on the Hustle. So much fun! We danced over 2 hours before our exhausted feet gave out. I wouldn't say we're experts but we learned enough to have a lot of fun!
This morning we headed out to church and Ethan went to Sunday School. He learned about Hannah in class, and how she was sad about not having any babies, so she prayed to God. Here was his "reflection" o the story (that he apparently shared with his class).
"I got a new blue plane that Jesus gave me when I was locked in the monster cage and the kid tried to steal my robot."
And now I'm feeling like a little dancing!
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