"Lucas, want to play dentist?"
"Otay Eetan"
"You see these little teeth? Those are called close teeth. And the front teeth are the Thunder teeth. Let me see Lucas, open up."
"NO Eetan. No open up"
"YOU have to, I'm the dentist."
"Shhh... Some people are reading."
"Lucas, it's the dentist and some people are reading. Shush. Now let's do the x-ray. Hold still."
"Looks good Lucas, but you might have a cavity. Drink this water and spit."
"Gross boys, don't do that."
"No yook mommy. Cyose eyes now."
"Ok Lucas, water in your elbow aaaand spit it out!"
"You SAID not in the mouth. Lucas, one more x-ray."
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