Friday, May 17, 2013


I am so far behind on my blog, that I'm going to catch up in one fell swoop.  So don't look for details...
April was...  Beach, Basketball, and Birthday.
I've decided taking Lucas and Ethan to the park on the water is the only way to spend a sunny day.  I love the view and I love the "big" feeling it gives me down there.  Beauty.(Another B!  Yay for alliteration!)

 Basketball had ended,  but we still had the banquet- and it was a lot of fun.   Ethan really liked this team and his coach, as did I.  Great group of kids!

 And then... there was quite a bit of time spent preparing for the Pokemon birthday!  Ethan turned 7 and it was pretty darn fun!

 There was a hunt for pokeballs (so we could catch ourselves some pokeballs).
 There was the Caterpie Cocooning.....

 The Hitmontop battle - made 'em spin and then whack each other with noodles.

 The Meowth Ramen eating contest - to get to the shiny coins below... (gross!)
 And then they attacked Team Rocket with water balloons.  It was fun to watch Brian dance around and try to avoid them!

 It was fabulously fun and a great way to spend a birthday!  We all had fun and Ethan was supremely happy.
So that's April.  See?  I told you no details!

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