His favorite gift of the whole morning, however, was his bag of animal cookies. He loved those.
Ethan's favorite was definitely his McQueen racetrack. A hit!
Grammy and Grandpa loved the mask Ethan made them. I'm still not sure what it's intended purpose is, but Ethan was determined that it was the project he'd do.
We were all spoiled rotten and then spent the day playing. Lucas loved his Grammy and playing at the table with her. Lots of belly laughs.
He also loved the new Wii Fit Plus games. So much so that he made it difficult for me to play - stinker! (and isn't his new outfit adorable!)
Then was a take 2 on the snowman mold- Ethan and Grammy made brownies this time. Can you spot the issue this go-around? I think the snowman mold is doomed. (The spoon is fine by the way).
Lucas spent some time coloring with Grandpa. He only chewed them slightly!
The racetrack was zooming most of the day. Ethan loved "winning" though the parameters of winning were constantly changing.
We finished off our fabulous day by decorating some gingerbread "boys" as Ethan calls them. Sprinkles, sprinkles everywhere- but yummy!
Brian's parents left Saturday after a quick lunch at McDs. We were so sad to see them go! Later last night, we got to open a few more Thanksmas gifts from Aunt Angie and Uncle Nick. No pics though because we Skyped on the computer the whole time. Lucas is a total Skype hog! They spoiled us too- a nice way to end the day!

We had such a great week and are so happy that Grammy and Grandpa could come! It went way too fast though and I am not so ready to go back to work!
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