Sunday I was feeling restless... Tired of schoolwork, playwork, and cleaning... So off to the zoo we went... We weren't sure it'd go well.
"See mom - I'm a cat!" Should have known something was up when they had a blanket covering them for a good 10 minutes of giggles. Washable markers at least...

It was cold. It was wet. But that meant we got to see Lucas all bundled up. And that just made me oh so happy.

The highlight for me was the really noisy tiger.

Not so much a positive for Lucas. He was terrified.
"Sound mommy!!! No sound!"
The tiger cubs were much less scary. They were very comfortable with them.

So much so that Ethan thought it'd be a good idea to kiss them through the glass.

We got to go to the keeper show and Ethan really liked being able to see the animals up close (not many people braved the rain and cold). He also liked asking questions. My favorite? The keeper says "And now this bird's going to head off. Any questions?" Ethan's question -
"Why is he head off?" He thought his head was going to fall off. Oh sweet idioms.
Lucas found a new family he thought he might fit into.

Ethan too - though I think he thought he'd get to be the king from that stance.

It was really fun. Those boys were so great. No meltdowns. Not one!
Tonight I got to take just Lucas with me on a date (thanks uma!). We ran to the library and then I asked him what he wanted and he said "
Foffee mommy!" I suggested some other, more dinner type foods, but he insisted.

He might just be a mama's boy after all!
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