Cookie cutters + orange food coloring + green sprinkles = really cool pumpkin pancakes to start the day right!

We spent the day resting up in preparation for fun! We hit downtown and had a blast.

There were way too many people there, but even the alien was able to handle it because they had candy!

The astronaut was an old pro - and greatlly appreciated all of the compliments he got on his costume. He was a hit. Thanks Uma!

The night went off without a hitch, except for when I insisted Ethan trick or treat at these nice little girls. I thought they worked for the church that was stationed there. Nope. But they did almost give Ethan candy out of their own baskets. Very sweet girls. Probably traumatized.

The boys were exhausted by the time we got to our very favorite stop - home! It took quite a while this week to catch up! It didn't help that Uma and I both caught a nasty cold, stealing from us our voices.
It also didn't help that I had 16 extra kids this week for most of the day. They were nice kids though - and I did enjoy getting to know them.

But the best thing this week was that Lucas started really talking - sentences, phrases - actual communication. Awesome. He also thinks he's very funny. Cracks himself up regularly.

Ethan started cooking class - farmer bread! He also got a girlfriend. They were going to get married. Hugged after class, whispered secret "
I love you's". But then yesterday it was all over.
"She's breaking up with me." Poor boy. Pre-K is tough.
And now I need to get back to all the millions of things on the to-do list. First of which is a 2nd cup of coffee!
I LOVE the boy's costumes! So cute
haha , a good costume !!
n the poor breaking heart Ethan T.T
a cute relationship
be strong ,Ethan !
(p.s : juz now write sum wrong , post again >.<)
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