The anticipation was almost too much to bear. He waited so patiently on the stairs - knowing his stocking was stuffed and waiting! He so enjoyed stuffing Uma and Upa's stockings, pretending to be Santa for the night. I think he was almost as excited to see them open their as he was to open his...

Lucas was somewhat oblivious, still not really getting what was happening, until he watched his big brother. He caught on quick.

Ethan is really good about being enthusiastic about his gifts - lots of "
What the heck?!" and "Just what I always wanted!". However, the best line? (to Upa): "You have to say thanks cuz I filled your sock. We got that at the dollar store!"
When Lucas found not one, but two chocolate Santas in his stocking, he exclaimed, "One, one, is two!" and then promptly tried to give one away, "Here go." A mathematician and generous.
Poor Upa spent the morning putting all the toys together... Aye-yi-yi the packaging... We had a great time and Uma, Upa, and Nana spoiled us all rotten!

After that, it was off to Seattle for me for a girls' night out. We were celebrating Jessica coming into town and Missy's birthday. The 4 of us roomed together in college and had so much fun catching up and being crazy. We took a lot of ridiculous self-portraits.

We ate a ton of food - even discovered a bar in the ladies' rooms, with a guy manning it! Weird...

It was so beautiful downtown with all the lights! What a magical place! We laughed and laughed and sang and danced (well, that might have just been me....).

Missy's brothers got us a fabulous hotel room and we stayed up late hot-tubbing, watching cheesy movies, and talking. Today we hit Pike Place and then Pioneer Square, admiring all te craziness that is Seattle before Jessica and I ferried back to meet the boys. Lunch out with "Schnookie" and lots more laughs at Ethan and Lucas' antics, and it was time to say good-bye.

I think it was just what I needed before being locked on an airplane with the 2 boys tomorrow! And now I'll get back to packing! EEk!!!
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