My apologies for the week old pictures. It's report card week, Lucas had tummy issues all week, Christmas cards needed to be finished, etc., etc. No excuses, right?
When last we left you, we were immersed in a super fun weekend! Well, it continued when our friend Nadia came to hang out for the evening on Saturday. We played, sang songs colored and then there was the building of the huge fort. I thought Brian and I did a very nice job of it. They played in it for a long time - my favorite part was when Ethan or Nadia would sit outside and "bark" and then the other would yell "NONO DOGS! QUIET!" Very true-to-life.

After we spent a bit cleaning it up and putting everything away, I came back in to discover they had made their own fort. A slightly smaller, but somewhat sturdier model. They even upgraded to add doors and a welcome mat.

By the end of it all, they were exhausted. A happy exhausted. First time the boys have slept past 6:30 am in a loooong time!

The next day, we were running late, dinking around with Christmas decor and trying to help Lucas with his tummy troubles. We decided to hit the Festival of Trees, where the boys made all sorts of great crafts, and then, since we were missing Uncle Kevin and family so badly - we went to his favorite restaurant.
"This is Uncle Kevin's FAVORITE. You better tell him I went here."After all that fun, out came the Elf on the Shelf. Yep, Tok showed up for another year of spying on the boys. We're hoping he hasn't lost his magical powers, since Lucas keeps pulling him down from wherever he lands, but we think we're alright.

The boys handstamped all the Christmas cards - a chore, but they were troopers! And now, I'm happy to say they are all ready to go in the mail! I figured people will need our address, so the sooner the better!

All (or most anyway) of the decorations are out and Lucas is in love with the snowmen - though I think he calls them "rabbits".

The musical toys from my Aunt Chris are a favorite. Brian's favorite is the hat - Ethan's favorite the behind-shaking snowman, and Lucas' favorite - the dancing flamingo "
Mine baby!" My favorite? When the batteries die. Just Kidding - they're fun - not so much at 6 am, but the during the day...

And that's about when I got sucked into school and grades, and projects, and all. Lucas had a trip to a new doctor that we really like and will be going to for a follow-up and the boys' well-child checks next week. He seems to be doing much better now that things are moving again.
This weekend is going to be full of magical Christmas fun and we're excited!
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