When the week starts off with mommy throwing her back out and a full moon, one might think the whole thing doomed..... But, when there are two adorable boys there, it all works out. Highlights were a playdate at McD's, watching our friends Alex and Kenzie at their house, and then our crazy busy Friday... First was the bookfair/ice cream social at school. The boys, of course, picked out the neon ice cream with m & ms and ate only the candies... They also picked out a bunch of books - Ethan's favorite was a comic book about "Loud Boy". He loves that book... What little boy wouldn't?

After the ice cream was movie night at church. We built forts and brought blankies and I just about fell asleep watching Shrek. Lucas was great until the last half hour - then he was just running around causing trouble. Ethan was a little freaked out by the movie, but made it to the end.
Brian's been gone since Friday night having fun with his buddies in ID, so the boys and I decided that Saturday night would be a good night for a sleepover at Uma and Upa's. Ethan was super excited because he and Upa could be "
Cooker Mans!" - and so they were. Even Lucas helped. They had a blast following Upa around and snuggling Uma. It was great. I even got to go out with a friend! AND THE BOYS SLEPT TILL 7:30 THIS MORNING.

That my friends, is a miracle. Bad news was that wasn't enough time to get to church. Good news was that meant we could go to Costco when it opened and miss the crowds. Bad news was that meant I was actually calm as we went through Costco and bought way more than I probably needed to. Good news is we won't have to shop for a month. In the words of one of my students "It all balances out - good and bad, it's how you look at it." So true.
So now I better go bark at whichever child is pretending to sleep but really playing with the trains... GO TO SLEEP.