It was a week of unpacking, getting organized, and trying to catch up on sleep. I don't remember much of it, honestly. I do remember this picture that Ethan colored for his teachers. I really was impressed by how well he stayed in the lines, yet totally showed his creativity. A teacher's dream, right?

Lucas wanted to do a "
cheese" too.

Ignore the mess in the background... That was during the "put away" phase of the two step: unpack, put away process. Much more has now been put away, but much more is in the unpack stage as well. Where did we get all this stuff? And why do I keep getting the urge to buy more? We've had a great weekend - playdate with a friend from my school and her two girls, dinner with our friends out in Poulsbo, a sleepover at Uma and Upa's so we could take care of the dogs while they played in Seattle, lunch with the U's today, and lots and lots of boxes unpacked and put away. I also started Zumba at my new gym - felt great though I've lost a few of my mad dance skills...
Next step is to do some schoolwork. The boys are all cozied up on the futon (couch gets delivered next saturday!!!) watching Despicable Me, with grilled ham and cheese and grapes. Scratch that. Both boys have refused to eat their sandwich. Grrr. Apparently using real cheese instead of American slices is cruel and unusual punishment. Anyway, onto a crazy week - and hopefully I'll remember to cart the camera with me...
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