I promised a fun, relaxing weekend and I got it! The weekend started with healthy, though slightly crabby, boys. We quickly realized that if we kept them together all morning, we'd have a riot on our hands. Lucas and I went off to meet Uma and Upa for a big ol' grocery shopping expedition. He was super helpful, moving all the groceries into the seat next to him. I'm trying desperately to limit the amount of shopping trips we take in a month by buying a lot about once a month. It's working pretty well, though I often like to run away to the store for a bit anyway.... Shh don't tell.

Next up was a Children's Church get-together at a beach near our house. I got the boys a magnifying bucket and a hands-free bug/critter catcher. I'm not a fan of touching. I like to get real close and play with the crabs etc., until they start moving at me. Then I shriek. I can't help it.

There were lots and lots and lots of crabs to look at. We put a few in our bucket for short bits of time to "observe". Mostly they just curled up in the bucket and pouted. I suppose I'd do that to.

Lucas loved looking at all the different creatures. At one point someone found a millipede. That thing was huge! And creepy. It did not make it into the creature bucket. I would not get that close.

Pretty soon Ethan and Brian joined us from daycare and E jumped right in (not literally.) Pastor Bob showed them some really cool looking crabs.

But not as cool as this guy! He wanted to fight. He'd grab the end of my shovel and hold on strong. We played this game, he and I, over and over and over again. I'm easily amused.

The boys also loved scouting out the spitting clams. They stood there for a good 20 minutes watching for them. I almost got squirted a couple of times, but managed to stay dry.

I love living close to water - and seeing all the creatures that go along with it. We saw a blue heron in the distance which looked suprisingly like a mini dinosaur.

After some long naps, and a delicious tuna (but not really, it was chicken because brian will not eat in a house that smells like tuna) noodle casserole, we were off to our community garden plot. It was very exciting because our peas had grown quite a bit!

We weeded, transplanted some strawberries that were in the path, and then laid the garden stones that the boys made at garden night.

After all that hard work it was time for ice cream. They started out clean - it didn't last. Lucas had it all over him - head to toe.

All that fresh air must have been a good thing because today they slept in until 7:45 (after Brian put Lucas back to bed at 5:45). I don't think we've slept that late in a very very long time. Maybe since Lucas. It was nice!
We had a great time at church and then it was off to Toad House for pizza with my parents. I especially love Brian's face in the picture. The former pizza boy is not happy with Ethan's topping methods. Hehehe..

More long naps and it was dinner time. Which tonight came with a show! Lucas has a toy that does a 20 second sound clip of music and they kept playing it over and over. And over and over.
"Hit it!"

At one point Ethan said,
"This show's almost over, so if you don't mind, you can stay for the next show." We did. It only got sillier and sillier.

At one point their pants were around their knees while they danced. That's when we declared curtain call. It was time.
Speaking of time... I have stacks of papers to grade and I've procrastinated long enough.... It seems I can never be on top of everything all the time. Sometimes I'm caught up in schoolwork, sometimes housework, sometimes gardening, sometimes cooking, sometimes fitness, sometimes absolutely nothing. I suppose that's okay. Just keep swimming, right?
1 comment:
RIGHT!! sounds like you had a great weekend!!
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