The last couple of days are a bit of a blur, and I'll let the pictures speak for themselves, but I think I can sum it up for E by his words that he said over and over and over, "
This is the best birthday ever!" The boy has obviously inherited my enthusiasm over holidays...
The boys were up early so that Ethan could open his presents from us, Grammy and Grandpa, and their aunts, uncles, and cousins. He got all sorts of games, movies, books, race tracks, and a butterfly garden! He was feeling pretty darn special! He even got a new shirt to wear to daycare!

We had the "traditional" (according to Ethan, since we did it last year) doughnut breakfast....

And then we were off and running to daycare, work, and school. Ethan brought in cookies to share with his class and was very excited to go hang out in the kindergarten room for a bit. Brian got off work early and suprised the boys and we headed off to Red Robin with my parents. Ethan opened his gifts from them and we had a great dinner.

I asked Ethan if he was going to get mac 'n' cheese again and his 5 year old attitude kicked in, "
Don 't you remember? I didn't finish it last time. I'd like to try something else. Sheesh." Lucas loved hanging out with his Upa and Uma.

Then in true Red Robin fashion, there was the birthday song. He was a bit nervous at first, but flying high by the end of it!

Loved the ice cream.

He was even willing to share. Actually, he has been a super great sharer lately. I've been impressed. You can see that the hot fudge was enjoyed.

After we got home, the final party preparations were underway. I made 12 of these cars and Brian put together a million wooden race cars and trucks.

Finally the day we'd been waiting for! We headed out to my parents after our regular Saturday morning routine and got to work while the boys napped. Nana came early to help and when Ethan got up, he got to open his present from her. It was one he could use for the party - a new hot wheels track, so we wanted time to construct it.

And then the party began...
There was the bag decorating...

Playing on the playset...

Decorating of the racecars and trucks...

The races....

Lots of races!

Lots of medals won....

And then the big race!
The kids picked out which car they wanted...
And lined up at the starting line....

And they were off....

There were a few crushed headlights....
Lots and lots of giggles....
And some fun dads!...

And many many trophies!
We set up the "folly" as a hot wheels den...
Lots of race tracks and cars....

Hot dogs, fruit, chips, chili, beans....
Mostly just chips for them....

Lots more playing....
And a bit of a meltdown while waiting on the cake...

Cake with cool Hot Wheels Candles....
Candles which the kids pulled off, licked, put back on, repeat...

Presents which Ethan adored....
And Lucas coveted....

Eating of the cake....

Destroying of the clothes....

And then a repeat of the activities for our friends who weren't there at the first round...
This time Lucas was prepared...

Ethan and Nadia were all about winning more medals to add to their bling, so they grabbed more cars!

Much racing....

Eating of the medals...


And they were off... and off...
But by this time, Nadia and Ethan had some elbow strategies...

This girl loves her trophies!

We had a blast!
I asked Ethan this morning what his favorite part was, fully expecting to hear "presents". But instead, "I loved the races. Both of them!" And that makes this mama so darn proud and happy.
Happy 5th my big kid!
We love you.
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