I only have the energy to tell you 2 things and then I am going to bed. At 7. Because I am spent. So please excuse the incomplete sentences. Can only do so much right now.

1) We took the front off the crib and turned it into a toddler bed. Right around this age (actually a few months earlier), Ethan got really obnoxious about going to bed. The way we cured it was moving him into the toddler bed. Last night went great. The boys had spent the afternoon bouncing in it and Lucas went to sleep with only getting out of bed once and falling out of bed once. *We have a toddler rail but can't figure out how to make it work with our bed... so Lucas is learning to stay in bed the same way Ethan did.... Tonight has been a bit rougher (so i say at 630)... Lucas kept climbing out of his bed and into Ethan's. Ethan was getting really irritated, so he's in my room until Lucas goes to sleep. Lucas had one screaming fit after that, but seems to have settled down.
Yes, it might have made our life a whole lot harder.... but the screaming for 30 minutes every night at bedtime is a lot for this mama to take... so hopefully this helps.
2) We worked. From 730 this morning until about 300 this afternoon, we worked. We boxed, cleaned out, cleaned under, sorted, moved furniture, scrubbed, etc... The boys were suprisingly helpful By not being in our way. I now have about 20 trash bags to put out on Thursday. I'd already filled the big trashcan when Brian cleaned out the garage on Saturday. See? We worked!

We ended our weekend with Daddy at Winger's. The boys were not altogether cooperative, but we survived. We dropped Daddy off and all pouted a little in the car. Came home and ate some cake. And then the bedtime festivities began.
As irritating as it is to go in there to put Lucas back in bed, I wish you could see the huge smile he has. It would kind of defeat the purpose to take a picture in the midst of my "no-no Lucas", so I can't show you, but I promise it's adorable.
Now it's time for bed. I am too tired to even be grammatically correct. Me and my tired feet say so! (Yep mom, that was a quarter in the grammar jar- just for you!) I'm kind of glad we have a meetings day tomorrow- hope my students remember. I didn't remember to tell them!
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