Saturday, July 31, 2010

I'm Baaaack....

We all survived - though I questioned whether Uma and Upa would make it through the week! Actually, they had a great week - played hard and took the boys everywhere. They read, counted, hiked, explored, worked, baked, and had a blast. The boys really had fun. I did too. I saw lots and lots of my most favorite people - had a blast. I didn't realize that it had been 4 years since I went anywhere without kids.... I lived it up!
The conference was great - lots and lots of concepts and ideas to use in my classroom - but the 11 hour days were nuts. I don't sit still very well, so I was pushed to my "good student" limit, for sure! I made up for it though - going out all over downtown Boise and stuffing my face. I'm hoping the scale will forgive me tomorrow. It sure didn't today...
We are trying to get done 1 billion projects so as to be ready for the month ahead.
I actually have a math conference in Seattle on Monday and Tuesday - so my parents better rest up! I'm off to go doctor the 6 mosquito bites I have on my ankles. That last night out I got eaten alive!
Thanks again Uma and Upa!!!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I don't know who is luckier- your parents or your kids- both are very blessed!
Both my girls told me about the great time they had hanging out with you! The next few weeks are crazy for me but hoping in the not too distant future we can have you guys over. I know Jess wants to hang out with you when she is here- that Tues. would be great since I have to work.