Such a busy/fun week! Tuesday we met up with a bunch of friends from our old youth group to hang out with our new "youth group" of babies/toddlers/preschoolers... 6 kids - 4 and under.

Chaos. But so much fun to catch up and just laugh at our kiddos together. We were so lucky to have Jess and Liam here!

The food court may never be the same - but the kids loved their pizza and there was only one drink spilled - I'm impressed.

After that was a busy week of daycare/work. Lucas did so well on the first day and then just screamed after that. Even said his first real sentence - "Take me home!!!!" By Friday night he was a real mess with a bit of a fever, so I took him in on Saturday and sure enough he had an ear infection and possibly a sinus infection. Oops.
With a bit of antibiotics and ibuprofen in him, he was ready to take on the world - or at least my mom's side of the family for a party/barbeque Saturday afternoon.

Lucas and Ethan loved sharing all of their toys - they really did! They just loved having kids to play with.

We adults all caught up with each other and ate and ate some more until we were all sleepily relaxing in the sun.

There were John Deere rides aplenty.....

And a picture of all the great-grandkids.

So great to see everyone and play together!
Now it's crunch time getting ready for the school year to start- the callendar is full with meetings and places to be! Hopefully with Lucas feeling better he'll adjust a little more to daycare. Ethan is our socialite and is doing just great - though he sure is tired by bedtime! Me too!
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