However, Ethan was far more excited about the rides - as was I! We started out by driving the cars (well, all the boys did.)
They both loved it. So did Brian. It was the only ride tame enough for him. Poor guy...
Ethan and I did several more. He really loved flying over everyone else.
He also loved the spinning dragon ride. Around and around we went, squealing all the way. I loved it! He did not, however, enjoy the dragon roller coaster. A little too intense for him, as he keeps reminding me. A little too cramped for me.
The carousel was a hit for all the boys.
We ate a lot of yummy fair food - including lumpia! I have so missed lumpia! We came home and had a fun suprise - our friends from Seattle came a day early for the party! After laughing a lot about it, we decided to have a BBQ and let all the boys play together - so much fun! I never thought to bring out the camera, unfortunately, but a good time was had by all. That night we headed out with a couple of friends to a salsa dance/clinic in bainbridge - fun stuff! The steps were pretty complicated and we were pretty tired, but we still laughed. A lot.
Nadia and Jillian came over (with their families) and had fun playing all over the backyard. We had some BBQ (3rd in a week!) and ate lots of yummy snacks.
It's such a funny age to watch. Everyone is just goofy. While they were waiting for the cake, Nadia was passing out napkins and fighting to keep sacred the "extras". Lucas didn't agree.
The cake was adorable and got big eyes from the little man.
The girls loved the frosting - Jillian licking off the firemen and Nadia scooping it up with the fire truck. Funny!
Next were presents and we thought Barney would be the biggest hit. Not so much. Apparently Barney is kind of scary when he's not on TV. They are growing on each other though...
Ethan was sure to help out - taking all of the presents right out of Lucas' hands. Especially the money.
Lucas loved taking each of his presents over to show Nana. So funny! "See Nana!!!"
We're lucky to have such great friends and family - it was a really fun day!
We were sad to see everyone go, but Ethan and I had ANOTHER party to go to. It was for the program I'm teaching in. He had a blast playing with all the older kids. I had a good time meeting some of my kids and parents - such nice people. On the way back, Ethan was so tired he was asking me all of these very deep, philosophical questions. Well, for a 4 year old anyway.
So that brings us to Sunday - Lucas' 2nd birthday!!! We spent the morning working in the garden at school (finally done!!) and then came home to get ready for the party.
Lucas had a blast. He made a cute fireman!
And now we're back to work. Kids come tomorrow and we're all running around getting organized. Chaos begins!
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