Do you notice a problem? Like the boy is wearing his brother's pants... This is how he showed up to my school tonight- had to have been painful! No, we don't put Ethan in capris.
Didn't phase him though - and he's the one who picked them out. And he wore them all day and Brian never noticed. That's funny, I think.

And this one has taken my phone captive. He's giggling, walking all over the house "talking" on it. I'm not sure who he's talking to, but if it's you- so sorry. Although, it is pretty darn cute.
That's so funny! The same thing happened to us - Curtis was wearing some navy shorts - I came home from work and noticed they looked a little 'small' - I checked the size and sure enough, they belonged to Cameron! Sadly though...Brian was the one who picked them out, not Curtis!!!
lol! :) Your "No, we don't put Ethan in capris" cracked me up :) too funny :)
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