We drove up Friday night, getting in around 10:30. Ethan, and Alex never slept. Crazy. We made one stop for dinner, but other than that just drove....
The next morning all the kids were revving to go bright and early.
We checked out the playground in our backyard - fabulous! And then toured the facilities....
Next we headed to "driftwood painting" down at the rec center.
Such concentration...
Kenzie just painted with water - what a gorgeous rock :)
Their masterpieces!
We played some more at the mini golf and the three youngest found a squirrel! They were fascinated. Me too.
That night we decided to try the indoor pool because sun-screening four kids is a pain in the neck. We had a blast. The kids all took turns riding on my back as I went back and forth and splashing everyone.
I do believe that was the night that Lucas and Ethan locked us out of the room. I had to go outside and bang on the window because they were ignoring me. It finally got unlocked though I'm not sure how. They'd done it at naptime too, the stinkers.
The next morning we tried out the dollar store water guns. Not so effective, but still fun.
Alex preferred squirting the ball - very kind.
We went for one last swim before we left. There was another family there that was lacking some social graces, but we still managed to have fun. Lots of jumping in and pushing Kenzie around in her floatie.
Someday Ethan is going to be ticked at me for making him wear that ridiculous floating thingy, but it really worked and allowed him to be totally independent in the water. And that he loved.
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