Looking back over the last week, I think I wore out us all. We did a lot. But, we had a lot of great memories and we can all rest up, right? Anyway... back to the story.... Tuesday I had to go to my meeting again, so the boys were with Grammy and Grandpa for the morning and naps. They played lots and lots and even made some s'mores cupcakes. I got home during naps and as soon as the boys were up and ready, we jumped on the foot ferry to Port Orchard.
The boys were mesmerized being so close to the water.
But it was Lucas who quietly studied the wave patterns, made the scientific obserrvations, and did not take his eyes off the water the whole time.
When we got there, we did a little window shopping and went in search of "A Good Yarn" - a yarn store that is owned by one of Grammy and my favorite authors. We called Brian for directions and he gave us the vague direction to go and so we headed....
Pretty soon we realized that it was a bit further than we thought, so we dropped off the boys and Grandpa at the playground and we started hiking.....
It was a bit further than we thought.... like 1 1/2 miles uphill.... But.... we got there and were telling the lady that was working how we had walked from the marina, laughing at ourselves. She went upstairs and came back down to tell us that Debbie Macomber was on her way down to meet us! She heard how far we walked and wanted to say hi. What a treat! She was absolutely sweet- even offering us a ride back down to the water. We declined, but were sure to take a picture.
We hiked back, as Grandpa had been alone with the boys for almost an hour. They did the playground, park, and even the beach. And he adopted a new grandson while they were down there. This boy cracked me up - didn't have the heart to tell him to get out of the picture.
I was suprised at how much Lucas liked the beach. He doesn't normally like sand- this was big! And dirty.
On the way back to the ferry we stopped at the candy shop. The boys picked out chocolate castle pops and ate every last bite. Oops.
We decided that we'd wait for Daddy at the park at the ferry terminal. I told the boys they probably didn't want to get wet, but you can guess how this ended....
They started out cautiously - avoiding the volcanic sprays of the fountain, but soon they were sneaking sitting in the water, and splashing each other.
They ended up soaked, and were miserable walking back to the car, but what fun it was in the meantime. We threw them into the shower and into bed.
The next day was a little more low key. I took the boys to classes at the YMCA to give Grammy and Grandpa a little break and to finally use the membership I'd been paying for a month... They enjoyed their classes, though Lucas is still pretty freaked out by new people making eye contact with him. Hopefully going to lots of these classes will make him feel a little more confident in new situations...
Ethan liked it for sure....
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