Last weekend we had a blast! Somehow we managed to then make it through this insane week.... Sometimes 4 day weeks just come at the totally wrong time... So much to do these last few weeks of school! But I will persevere! (And drink a lot of coffee....) So now back to last weekend...
Saturday was date night for Brian and I to celebrate our anniversary. We went out to dinner and then to the Rock and Bowl! Bad karaoke, bad bowling, and horrendous chocolate cake, but it was really a lot of fun.
Sunday we lazed on over to my parents to get the boys and have a BBQ with Nana. Delicious and fun! Next stop was home for naps and then to a local park to hang out with the Barrys. We wanted some "beach" time - though the beach wasn't quite what I remembered/expected....

Ethan loved throwing oyster shells into the water...

Lucas liked collecting water.... until the waves started crashing in pretty good...

Pretty soon the water was creeping up.... but they didn't mind...

We picnic -ed in the park and the kids ran around everywhere... They even got Jr. Ranger stickers from the park ranger. We had a lot of laughs - lots of fun!

The next day we spent the morning at our garden. Lots of growth! Still nothing to harvest but we planted lots more seeds and a few lettuce plants.

Ethan loooooves the water pump. But who doesn't?

We picnic-ed again in the sun! Who knew WA could be so beautiful!

Lucas worked on his soccer skills... We have a bit of work to do there....

After naps, we invited over the Burns family and brought out all the outside toys - including a kite! There was only a small run to do with it, because there's just not a lot of space, but it was fun nonetheless...

The kids had a blast - knocking over food left and right - playing blocks, bean bag toss, hot wheels, and everything in between.

So all in all, it was a weekend full of sunshiney weather and sunshiney people!
Then the work week came. Insanity, pure insanity. But fun too - the highlight was my school BBQ on Thursday night. The boys picked out books from the bookfair, played on the playground, ate hot dogs, and admired my science projects. They DID not want to meet the school mascot - Ollie the Otter.
This weekend I have a milliion and three things to do, so I'll get to working on them. Must focus. Only two more weeks of school left! I can't believe it!
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