Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Long Day

Yesterday was just a bit frustrating... Lucas just didn't want to stay asleep for any length of time. I think he had gas and then he was just overtired. However, in true Lucas fashion, he had his last meal at 8:30 and fell asleep and did great after that.

You know how you feel so confident sometimes and then something happens to completely humble you? Last night we had the (obvious) epiphany that maybe he wasn't sleeping as much at the end of the night because his little head was cold. We added the hat and wouldn't you know it, we had to wake him up to be on time to the chiropractor. Never connected the thought that I was cold to him being cold. Oh well, you win some, you lose some.

Ethan seems to be adjusting a lot better now. He's sleeping better and in a much better mood during the evening. He is still kind of rough with Lucas, but we're working through it. I just can't believe how grown-up he's getting. He talks in complete sentences- usually with good grammar! No grammar jar for this kid! And, he uses the potty pretty frequently, but by no means all the time. I'm just blown away by how fast it all goes!

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