Sunday, August 30, 2009
Best Friends
Saturday, August 29, 2009
Happy Birthday Lucas!!!
Thursday, August 27, 2009
Godzilla Takes Over Train Town

We figured out why Lucas has been so cranky- tooth coming in. And then tonight? It's gone again, along with his grumpy mood. I'm glad for the reprieve.
I've got zucchini bread in the oven, a crockpot of food ready for tomorrow in the fridge, and 30 Rock on the TV. It's a good night.
(PS - the picture is poor quality, yes... from Brian's phone as apparently the camera's battery hates me...)
Tuesday, August 25, 2009
Not a Princess...
Thursday, August 20, 2009
Wednesday, August 19, 2009
Farewell Summer!
Sunday, August 16, 2009
Getting Bigger...
I have 3 more days until I'm officially back to work. I wish I could say I was going to be livin' it up, but I'll be working on getting my room ready. I don't want to stay late any of those first few days, so I'm doing what I can now. Plus - weigh in is on Thursday. I must stay good for the next few days- really good! Luckily all that work in the classroom burns some serious calories - as does playing with my boys. Here's to 2 more pounds to make it an even 20 for the summer (25 in all)....
Thursday, August 13, 2009
Oh the last days of summer...
I spent all day shopping at Costco. I decided to buy all the meat that we'd need for the next three months or so and stuff it in the freezer. I was frozen by the time I was done, but I do love Costco. They have so much cheap healthy food.
This is turning out to be a pretty boring post. There's just not too much to tell. Lucas is finally sleeping a bit better again- though not like he once was. I got him checked out at the doc yesterday because he is rejecting his bottle and sleep, but he's healthy as a horse- maybe healthier. So- he's just being a little manipulator. Don't know where he got that... But, he's almost 24 pounds, so he's all set for all the 1 year transitions- 2% milk, switching the car seat, etc. MY BABY WILL NO LONGER BE A BABY IN 2 WEEKS AND 2 DAYS. This makes me a little sad. And makes me realize it's time to plan a small party.
It seems I am using this as just a brainstorm of thoughts and for those of you still reading, I commend you- you are true friends. I probably would have given up by now :) Love ya!
Tuesday, August 11, 2009
Wapato, Wapato, Oh How we Love you!
I know I'm leaving out lots- and wish I had more pictures, but I was busy! Now it's back home and staying there. School starts (work days) a week from Thursday- so I'm gearing up. Meeting today, training on next Tuesday and lots of work to get done at the school. I always start to get just the littlest bit excited at this time- fun! Not quite there yet, but I know it'll come. I hate how busy life gets, but I'm doing as much as I can to prepare us so we won't be. We're using our time at home to organize everything so we have less cleaning to do, and cooking massive dinners so we can freeze half. The first month of school is always chaotic, so the more we can do beforehand, the more quality time I'll have with the boys.
The vacation- a great way to wrap up summer!
Tuesday, August 4, 2009
On The Road Again...
I'm leaving super early in hopes that the boys will sleep sleep sleep for the first leg of the trip. I, however, will not be sleeping. This is a change for me on road trips. Luckily I have the novels (audio) of Janet Evanovich to keep me company and keep me giggling. That and a thermos full o' coffee. Maybe two to be safe....
I'm really looking forward to going back to Wapato Point (the place we stay) - it's been so long and there is lots to do outside there. I'm looking forward to lots of pool time and playground time - just having a good time with the boys. We're going to miss Brian terribly (especially in the middle of the night and at 4am when Lucas apparently needs to be fed every morning) but it'll be nice for him to get some down time (yeah right- I made him a honey-do list a mile and a half long).
So now that I've used my quota of parenthesed snarky comments for the year, I should probably go to bed (after I finish the laundry because someone forgot all my dirty clothes laying on the bathroom floor- how dare he!) ( I shouldn't make these comments as he's out filling up the car with gas right now!)
Off to ride the bike for a bit while my schtuff dries....
Sunday, August 2, 2009
What a Trip!
Then it was off to the tot train. Ethan got to drive it all by himself- loved it!
In the meantime, we walked to a really cool park near grammy and grandpa's house. Ethan ran and ran and Brian got to play Frisbee Golf with some CO friends.