Thursday, August 13, 2009

Oh the last days of summer...

We're down to a week before all mayhem hits and we're back on our tight schedule that comes along with school starting... That means it's time for lots of special outings and fun, quality time together. Last night we went and played in the backyard, with the trike, baseball, and the slide. Oh how lucas loved the slide! It was just fun to play together and enjoy the mild weather. And it's good to be home.
I spent all day shopping at Costco. I decided to buy all the meat that we'd need for the next three months or so and stuff it in the freezer. I was frozen by the time I was done, but I do love Costco. They have so much cheap healthy food.
This is turning out to be a pretty boring post. There's just not too much to tell. Lucas is finally sleeping a bit better again- though not like he once was. I got him checked out at the doc yesterday because he is rejecting his bottle and sleep, but he's healthy as a horse- maybe healthier. So- he's just being a little manipulator. Don't know where he got that... But, he's almost 24 pounds, so he's all set for all the 1 year transitions- 2% milk, switching the car seat, etc. MY BABY WILL NO LONGER BE A BABY IN 2 WEEKS AND 2 DAYS. This makes me a little sad. And makes me realize it's time to plan a small party.
It seems I am using this as just a brainstorm of thoughts and for those of you still reading, I commend you- you are true friends. I probably would have given up by now :) Love ya!

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