Sugar high. And then some.
We met Ethan's friend for dinner - and brought her birthday presents with us (we missed her birthday party a month ago). Ethan picked out a nice shirt and a very girly phone for her. They pretended to call each other as they giggled over dinner.
Lucas had a rough time. He was a little green-eyed monster - monster being a very appropriate word.
After the big kids were done with the phone, he asked for it. After being told "Not with messy hands", he shoved the ice cream away and shouted, "DONE!" Phone beats ice cream. This is not my son!
Ethan looooved being sung to. He had the biggest grin plastered across his face. What a fun night! Thanks guys!
We met Ethan's friend for dinner - and brought her birthday presents with us (we missed her birthday party a month ago). Ethan picked out a nice shirt and a very girly phone for her. They pretended to call each other as they giggled over dinner.
The sugar rush continued as we returned lots of phone calls and got ready for bed. Lucily they went to bed pretty easily - Let's hope they stay that way!
A great day! We missed Daddy lots, but are soooo glad he'll be here tomorrow night.