Working on clearing out some closets - tonight was the hallway closet- in which we found Ethan's old tie- so cute! He wore it all night. Lucas liked looking in boxes - found all sorts of not okay things in there. I didn't even know we owned a lighter or a soldering iron, huh....
This week has been kind of nutty - but best news is we have a Property Manager! John from Aloha Property Management and he is so great! He's going to relieve a lot of my stress - I'm really feeling much better about things. It is still SO much to do and is freaking me out, but at least there are a few things I can cross off the list. Best of all, he'll set up meetings with the yard guy, the handyman, etc. - which I HATE doing.
I'm at a total of 9 boxes for the week - making progress! This weekend is cleaning all the trash out of the backyard. A big job, but the boys love being back there, so it'll be allright. And it's all calories burned, right? I need a few more burned after our Spring Break trip. My mother better stop baking before I move in - or I'm going to need more will power.
Lucas has been screaming every night when he goes to bed - not sure why, but he is really fighting it. Ethan gets really annoyed and then he has his turn in the middle of the night. I think I'm stopping for some "Ultra Caffeine" coffee on the way to work tomorrow. Hopefully this weeend they'll get lots more rest. Who am I kidding? We don't rest in this house....
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