Sunny days means we eat outside. Less mess. Except, of course, for their faces and shirts. And then the rest of them when they go for a dive in the rain-filled wheelbarrow. Blech. Soaking wet boys, but lots and lots of giggles. It was gorgeous outside.
And then today.... I go to pick up Ethan from daycare and he says, "I can't leave yet! I want to be here for the funder and lightning mcqueen! we have to stay!"
Miss Allison and I tried to explain that the thunder would be at home too , but the boy wanted to celebrate with his buddies. Too bad.
In a way, annoying, but in another way - what an awesome way to spend the evening, huddled up snuggling. My boys don't do that so often anymore. So funderstorms? You're welcome to come back anytime!
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