The next day was a "rest" day. So we went to an indoor playground to burn off some energy. Lucas loved the carousel - around and around and around and around.

Maddie loved climbing on the mats - such a big girl to go up and down by herself.

The big kids focused on all the different bikes and cars. At one point, Ethan was loading all the small cars into the tractor to move them around.

Maddie and Lucas worked on sharing. Well, Lucas worked on taking and Maddie worked on not getting mad. She never gets mad. That girl is so laid back. Jealousy becomes me!

Morgan is an amazing climber - both here and the climbing wall at the museum. I love it!

The next morning we threw a birthday party for all four of them - since they never spend their birthdays together. We decorated, baked cupcakes, and surprised them. Their faces in the morning were priceless. So excited.

We sang to each one of them - and they got that shy/excited look when it was their turn.

Maddie was the only one to fully reject the cupcake- though the rest of them pretty much just ate the frosting.

They would only wear the hats for a minute, but the blowers were a hit.

After that, we headed to the Edaville Railroad. It took us forever, because of a traffic accident. Problem was, when we finally got there, it was totally closed. Not a soul in sight. Very National Lampoon's Vacation. You couldn't help but laugh, as we were in the middle of nowhere.
Luckily, the middle of nowhere was kind of close to the town of Plymouth, so we headed there.
We enjoyed the rock.

But much more the Mayflower. The kids really liked the boat. Ethan was fascinated that we were tied up and couldn't float away. Lucas just kept shouting "BOAT!" everytime we saw one. Keep in mind we were on the ocean, so there were a few.

It was hot outside, but we decided to tough it out and head to the Plimouth Plantation. We loved seeing all the houses. Lucas loved seeing where the babies slept. The best part of it, however, was that all the kids thought we were seeing where Pirates lived. They kept asking where the pirates were. I found them a fisherman that was pretty close. Not sure he liked being called a pirate, but oh well.

The kids were pretty good at the bowling game - though Lucas made up his own rules and walked right up to the pins, ball in hand, and knocked them down. Hilarious.

When we got inside, we found a (airconditioned thankfully) kid's play area. The kids could dress up (yeah!!) and pretend they were pilgrims (or pirates if you asked them).
Maddie made me some delicious stew.

The big kids hoisted the sails and fished for dinner.

And Lucas even tried a hand at cooking.

Exhaustion? Yes. Fabulous memories? Definitely. With just the next morning left, we went and tore up the local IHOP. I love going out to breakfast!

The goodbyes were sad, the airplane ride back horrible, getting used to the time zone change- dreadful, but was it all worth it? Of course! Will we do it again? Absolutely!
The funniest part - when I ask what their favorite part was - Ethan says - "bakset ball with Kevin". Lucas just laughs. So much fun!
Thanks again to Angie and Cole, and Katie, Kevin, Morgan, and Maddie for taking us in! We had SO MUCH FUN!
We did too!! Thanks so much for making the trip! Still need to hear about your plane back!
Us too! Thank you for coming to see us! Can't wait to see you all again!
Did you know Katie is a direct decendant of Mayflower Doty? I have no such claim to fame, lol.
The trip looks like it was so wonderful!
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