Friday brought us to the airport (2.5 hrs early, due to my horrible estimation of time needed...). The boys loooooved watching the airplanes take off - and that was the best they were all day! Ethan did great, but something happened to lucas' ear (found out the next day that he had an ear infection in one ear, the other ear wouldn't pop, and he had strep throat - oops!) There was much screaming, wriggling, and misery for all involved! We ended up giving him Robitussin (on the pediatrician's reccommendation based on the very few liquid or children's meds available) as a last resort and that seemed to help a bit - though did not make him go to sleep like we were hoping! We ended up getting in just before midnight- so tired! We crashed in bed and woke up to a happy little guy ready to play!

Ethan was mesmerized by Cole! He would sit by him, make him smile and gigggle, and was soooo gentle. Lucas just liked turning on the music, but had fun all the same.

Ethan was really looking forward to holding Cole - and he did a great job. I loved how slow and deliberate his movements were with him. He was being so careful and just talking sweet to him the whole time.

Lucas was jealous - so he took a turn too. Not so gentle, but very giggly!

Brian got to hold Cole and wouldn't you know it, everybody wanted in on the action - so they all snuggled while watching cartoons.

We headed to Chik-Fil-A for lunch and then after naps headed to the pool. Oh these boys were soooo excited.

Cole was wary - but he was dressed up very cutely for the event! (As was his mama!)

It took the boys a little bit to get used to the fountains, but once they did, they were hooked! They went again and again and again and again. Little Lucas who refused to do much at all in the water would head off to the deep end if we didn't watch him! And Ethan was practicing his swimming in the shallow end.

The joy of spraying water!

Cole pretty much hated the water, but loved watching everyone else in it. He clung to us for dear life and screeched anytime his skin touched the water. Ethan and Lucas just kept splashing. When it was finally time to leave, as thunderstorms were threatening, Lucas got really upset, grabbing his ear and shrieking like the day before, so he and Brian headed of to the local Urgent Care where he obtained his many diagnoses. Ethan, Cole, Angie and I made some dinner and chilled in front of the TV. The boys finally got home, we got Lucas all his meds and went to bed. Such a great day!
1 comment:
what a cute nephew you have!
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