The first two days in Boston, that is... There are too many fun memories and pictures, so for my own sanity's sake, I'm going to do two days at a time....
We started out by flying in on Monday afternoon. The boys were so excited to go to Boston. Ethan was telling anyone that would listen about his cousins and how he was going to their house. We were greeted by Auntie Katie, Morgan, and Maddie at the airport with big smiles! Ethan and Morgan were shy at first, but that lasted all of 10 minutes and then the noise, I mean fun, never stopped.
The kids played arounjd the house and then we had a fabulous dinner, cooked by Uncle Kevin and Auntie Katie. After dinner we headed out to a golf course near by to get some ice cream.

Lucas was a little nervous about the mode of transportation... But Auntie Katie stepped in and helped.

Ethan was so excited to watch the Golf players game - kept yelling "Yes!" Lucas loved his ice cream cone, especially after he bit a hole in the side and chomped out the bottom. Drip. drip. drip.

The next morning was spent with a lot of singing and guitar playing. We got free headphones on the flight and Morgan wore them all the time, while Ethan played us song after song on the guitar.

While Maddie took her morning nap, we headed outside to enjoy the pleasant weather. The kiddos all loved the sandbox, at least until the boys discovered there were a few ants in there - note Ethan's feet. Morgan was the tough one!

We piled up into the car and headed off to the zoo. Maddie was ready to see some animals. The big kids liked making her say "Up!", which she did very well. They sang lots of songs in the back of the car, but that caused a little conflict. Morgan likes songs sung correctly, while Ethan likes to make up his own verses. In the end I think they actually compromised a bit. They were good for each other.

The zoo had lots of great animals and attractions. My favorite was the gorilla - though once it made eye contact with Lucas, he was terrified. Ethan was just fascinated by the way he kept showing "his bottom side". Lucas finally loved the carousel - such a big boy!

Poor Maddie was pretty much stroller-bound for the day. But she seemed to love it anyway. We decided to end our visit with a ride on the train. I know they look miserable in the picture, but they were thrilled! I promise!

We went all the way up to the top of the zoo and back down again yelling "Chugga Chugga Choo-Choo!!!" to anyone that would listen. I think the train lady got annoyed, but we had a blast.

Big naps all around and then Uncle Kevin came home and took us all bowling. It was a kiddie lane with half size lanes and small bowling balls. So much fun! Lucas was too scared - only sent down one ball that only made it halfway, but Ethan could not stop hopping he was having so much fun.

Maddie cheered everyone on, and Morgan did some fabulous dancing while we were waiting.

After that (because we are truly vacation overachievers) we headed over to the candy store and each kiddo got to choose two things. Their eyes were so big as they saw it all there. They ended up picking everything from the gummy section, while Katie and I shopped the chocolate wall.
A great way to start our trip.
1 comment:
Love it! You're far more organized and patient posting blogs!!! I'm very thankful for that! :)
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