How cute is he!! He is pulling himself all around now. Not going too far, but far enough to get into all of Ethan's toys. Big brother is handling it pretty well so far, but we'll see how long that lasts....
We grabbed Ethan from daycare today to take him to go see the new Pixar movie, Up. We loved it, but it was far more mature than the others and not really suitable for the preschool set. At one point he crawled into my lap and screamed, "TAKE ME BYE-BYE!!!" I gave him some Skittles and a big hug and we finished the movie bravely. It was pretty sad too- a beautiful love story...
Regardless of the nightmares I'm sure he'll get from it, Ethan had a great time with just Brian and I. It was nice to get to put all our attention on him, as his brother is stealing quite a bit of the spotlight these days...

He demands the spotlight... Loves standing up and shrieking at us. I really thought shrieking was a girl thing, but nope. He's a shrieker.

And Ethan loves being Mr. Silly. The more Lucas takes attention, the more silly he gets. But, he loves loves loves his brother. When we went to pick him up, he kept insisting that we had "lost" Lucas and needed to go find him.

And you know that big head of Lucas'. It crashes into things. A lot. Here's the latest "owie".

And here's the bandaid Ethan insisted on. I'm sure it'll be all better by morning, as Diego will be kissing it all night (that's who's on the bandaid.)
Did I mention how much I love summer? I got to walk 3 miles, do a Zumba (dance aerobics) class, yoga DVD, and play with my boys lots and lots... I love summer.
So I've wanted to see UP with Amiah (6 year old) - do you think it's too mature for her too? I've heard it is so good.
Jesse is a shrieker too!
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