And as promised - Pictures of the boys' room and the playroom (which is not so clean after a day of fun play). Ethan ONLY wants to play in the playroom - wanted to first thing this morning (at 5am when they woke up) and after daycare. It was nice not to have to clean the whole living room again tonight....

Speaking of bedrooms/bedtime - last night went pretty well with them sharing. Except for the whole waking up at the crack of dawn thing, it went great. Right now I can hear Ethan singing No more monkeys jumping on the bed, so I won't count tonight a success yet, but at least Ethan is eager to go to bed- thinks it's fun!
Lucas MUST be getting a tooth- fussy fussy fussy. Or maybe he's just grumpy. I have those days :) Other than that we had a fun day! I walked and then cleaned for hours - went shopping for our 4th of July shirts. I pick up the boys after Ethan's naptime- around 3, and then we played cars and blocks for a long time before dinner- very fun! It was just a good day overall :)
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