Friday, January 8, 2010

Hatchin' Dinos

Santa brought Ethan a dinosaur egg for Christmas. So last week, we took it out and got ready to hatch it.
We had to soak it for a long time. "When's it gonna crack Mom? It bigger yet? I gonna watch it. Gonna crack crack crack. Dino gonna crack crack crack." At first I really liked the song, 4 days later, not so much...

But it did start to crack and finally, last night (with a little help from the dino fairy) the shell let him loose. "He's bigger! He CRACKED!"

We had to take him out and put him in his new home, so he can grow. "How big's he gonna be mom? He's gonna be big like you? Big like me, or small like Lucas?" Oh goodness, I hope none of the above....
There's a little issue with his new home. The curved glass creates quite the illusion. That dino DID grow. I'm not sure I'll be able to sleep. Oh, but then I look from the top and we're good to go. I suppose we'll have to name him. If only I could get him to float upright so it didn't look like a dead dinosaur all the time...
I told my class about him today and one student replied, "So, is it real?" I swear he was serious. We may need to revisit the meaning of extinct...
One week down and we survived! We're all pretty tired. Ethan asked me if he could go to bed at 5:45. I held them off until 6:30, but it was difficult.
And now I'm eating my dinner of goldfish crackers and salad - delicious, waiting for an acceptable time to go to bed myself.

1 comment:

Katie said...