"We need to get flowers for Grammy."
And so we did. Really, it was Ethan's idea, and Ethan who ran up to give them to Grammy, but Lucas was the only one who would pose for the picture. Handsome boy, I know! We were thrilled to pick up Grammy at the airport. We headed down to the zoo - not too far from the airport and showed off all our favorite things - including the carousel.
Today she got to witness some fun in PE - my kids and I won the 10 minute jog and so got to do a bunch of messy relays - great fun! I am SO sore from those stupid scooters, and I'm still gagging on the twinkie one of my students got to shove in my mouth, but it was so so much fun - what great kids! I am really going to miss them.

We made a great picture- I love teaching with people that love to get messy and have fun too - thanks Beth!
We picked up the boys at daycare and took them over to the Jumping Jungle that we went to last time - so fun! We bounced and bounced and slid and ran.

Lucas is gaining his bounce-confidence. He was laughing like a hyena - so many belly laughs.
No wonder we were ALL so exhausted. We ran by McD's (it is Tuesday after all) and headed home for dinner.
Lucas fell at the dinner table and bit his lip - big trauma for the little man, but within 3 minutes he was choiwing down on his Happy Meal. Grammy read stories and the boys were both rubbing their eyes by 6:30. We sent them off to bed and baked some treats for the school bake fair (super women we are!). And now we crash. My body is a-aching! Wish Grammy luck - she's got the boys the next two days all by herself. I have conferences till late at night, so those will be long days! Thank you thank you thank you Grammy! It's nice to know the boys will be with someone they love so very much!
1 comment:
Can you spell S.U.P.E.R. mom?! Seriously Katie...your post makes me tired just reading about your day! I admire your commitment to your family and job and you're doing such a great job with both! Hope you guys have fun with Grammy! Tell her I say "Hi'!
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