We were sooo sad to say bye to Grammy! The boys had a blast with her- played hard! They behaved pretty well, though the dogs did not. Two stuffed animals had to go in for "surgery" and there were a few food items stolen. All I can say is "THANK YOU!" Conference time is sooo stressful with being gone two nights in a row and having you there was such a blessing!

Friday morning we dropped off Grammy at the airport- though we made a stop at Chevron first because I realized at the last minute that I hadn't changed the oil in the car in a VERY long time. Luckily two old men at Chevron helped me out - though not without arguing with each other.
The drive wasn't too bad - not without its screaming fits or messes though. At one point Lucas was so mad at me that he squished up a banana in his hands and chucked pieces all over the car. Gross. Other than that it was cartoons and more cartoons.
Saturday we grabbed up the boys and ferried over to Seattle to go to the Science Center. Lucas and Ethan both loved the monorail and we had a blast seeing all the exhibits at the Center. The dinosaurs were a little too scary.

All the space stuff was awesome. Ethan loved the "spaceships" and pretending to fly to Mars.

Lucas just loved playing with EVERYTHING. There was so much for him to climb on and play with.

My favorite was the Butterfly House. The butterflies let you get right up close. Ethan was a little bit nervous, but very careful. We did see one butterfly bite the dust - so sad....

Afterward we walked through Pike Place and then over to Hard Rock. Hard Rock was a kick - we shared a giant ice cream sundae. Lucas just dug right in. I think it was up to his elbows - gross! It was super yummy.

Today Ethan and I went to my old church - so fun to see old friends! After that we came back and tonight we had an "Almost 4 Birthday Party" for Ethan with Nana. He was soooo excited to see all the dinosaur stuff and his cool cake.

He was so excited to get his Dinosaur Encyclopedia from Nana - what a cool book! He was full of thank you's to Nana and Uma and Upa. He told Brian, "Thank you for your love." And then for me "Thank you for watching me open my presents." Very polite.

Even Upa got into the dinosaur safari spirit. The boys enjoyed growling around and we even got to Skype with the Boston folk - fun times!

Lucas was all giggles with Nana - he just kept giving her hugs and kisses.

Tonight Ethan's prayer was fabulous, "
Thank you for the love between us. Thank you for my presents I got for my birthday. And hamburger dinner- Yahoo!"I think he had a good time. Both boys were exhausted by bedtime - as are we, though we're getting ready to watch a movie. I'm not used to watching movies with other people anymore- they're driving me nuts, but I'll adjust- ha!
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