Friday, April 23, 2010


I have no pictures, I have no cute stories off the top of my head. All I have is one anxious brain waiting to hear if my dad made his standby flight tonight. There was a light rail accident of some sort that stopped the light rail for a time and made him miss his flight. It's a bummer, but we'll get through.
This week went by crazy fast. I'm not even sure where it went. I'm working on planning Ethan's birthday party, preparing my kids for their big tests, (which with two down have gone soooo well), and of course... packing. I'm so excited to see my daddy, and just praying he makes that flight tonight!
Oh, one exciting thing - Etha can rhyme! He was singing about a dinosaur store this morning and told me, "Hey, dinosaur goes with store! Like cake goes with snake!" That's my boy!

1 comment:

Jessica said...

WooHoo!! Rhyming is awesome! Makes my Speech Therapist heart happy! GOOOO Ethan!