Luca has decided he needs to eat at night again. Ugh. And I've quit nursing (ow) so that means getting up and getting the bottle ready. And of course, Lucas only likes his bottles a certain temperature. Ethan could have cared less what temp his bottle was. We've done nothing different with Lucas in that regard, but the boy won't take it unless it's perfectly warmed. Silly!
I don't want to go grade papers. I hate grading papers. I'd rather troll on blogs, but no one I read has updated. I guess that means I better stop procrastinating on those stinkin' science tests. Did I mention how rotten my kids were today? They should have known it was not the day to tick me off. They were rotten in the lunchroom. So, I had them write apology letters (complete with future expectations) to four adults that work in the lunch room. I had the 10 worst clean the lunchroom during their computer time. And, to top it off, we went to the lunchroom to practice lunch procedures with our administrator during their recess. I may have overdone it a bit, but it was that kind of day. The snow started blowing and so did my temper. I'll bet they aren't nutso tomorrow though.... we'll see.... Here's hoping for a snow day!
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