Lucas had his 4 mos check up today... Here's the stats- Weight - 17lbs, 6 oz (90%ile), Height - 27 in (97 %ile), Head - 17.5 in (97%ile). So, he's a big boy ( a bit of an understatement, I realize). As for the reflux - she wants us to try another kind of formula - made especially for sensitive tummies... We'll see if that's better... He had his shots- note the adorable bandaids... That's about it... Oh, except for this... Brian had both boys at the appointment. In the middle of the doctor's visit, Ethan decided he needed to use the restroom (#2, just so you know). So Brian takes him and leaves Lucas with the doctor. Ethan takes his sweet time, and when they get back, Lucas has just spit up all over the doctor. That poor woman! But, at least she knows what we're talking about with the spit up!
I'm exhausted - long day full of meetings! I did have fun tonight with Ethan- Jess and Todd took Lucas so E and I could go have coffee and play trains at the bookstore down the street. He had the trains fighting and then kissing. It was pretty funny....
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