I wish we were able to see everyone we wanted to on the trip, but am so thankful for all those we were able to visit with!
This morning, we headed to the boys' daycare to see Ethan's favorite-ist teacher and all our other friends there.
That boy was so thrilled to be there. It was fun seeing how some of his best buddies have grown up too. Ethan looks teeny compared to some of them!
We chatted for awhile as the boys played and then we were off to our next adventure.

The boys were a bit stir crazy - wrestlemania....

So we headed to a local pizza place with Jess and Liam, where the boys all received yellow balloons. At the time, we loved the balloons.

After long naps - except for Lucas who fought it like crazy and kept coming out into the hallway, hiding under his blanket... - we headed to a new playplace - Jabbers.

The boys all played hard.

Ethan was really into directing traffic on the raceway... But then again, Ethan is into anything where he gets to "direct".

After they were just plain played out, the boys and I headed for a quick shopping trip and then a treat at Royal Bakery - yummy pastries and coffee for me! (I do not want to know how much caffeine was consumed on this trip....)

When we got home, the balloons quickly became the source of much annoyance - bonking each other, getting tangled up, etc....
So, we took the boys outside to let them go...
That's when Liam let go - which made Ethan laugh hysterically. I have not seen him laugh that hard in a long time....

Lucas just wasn't sure he wanted to let it go....

But he did, and off they ran... The balloons were far into the sky, making a triangle as they floated away.

Lucas is still asking about them, every time we go outside.
Jess made a fabulous dinner and we got to eat with her mom and sister too!
Movie time and bed!

A busy day, but so much fun! Jess, Todd, and I stayed up way too late watching a movie of our own. And laughed and laughed and laughed and laughed.
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