The highlight of our week was an impromptu picnic at "Castle Park" with our friends, the Burns family. KFC (thanks guys!!) and lots and lots of laughs. Lucas watched a dad taking pictures of his kids on the slides- quite the ordeal getting them all to stay there. He was fascinated, and then marched himself up there and demanded
"Pixer mommy! Now!" His cheesy smile just cracks me up. Ethan's was this wide mouthed bottom jaw thing, but lucas' is a scrunched up nose face. Too funny.

Then we figured we might as well try to get a picture of all of them.... First Ethan pushed ahead and looked like a giant.

Then he refused to look. I thought it would get easier the bigger they were....

Kenzie got in on the action, but Ethan was just plain goofy....

Finally all 4 of them~ Adorable kiddos! Alex calls Ethan "
My Ethan!" and Lucas calls Kenzie
"My Kenzie". 
There were lots of swings.... Lots of running and giggling... And lots of lifting for DJ, the girls' dad.

The littler ones did some swinging too. Kenzie ate a lot of bark, Lucas followed everyone around grinning.

And then, right before we left - Alex and Ethan both figured out how to go down the pole themselves. I think it was a ploy to get them more playing time, so they could show us again and again. It worked.

In other news, Ethan has a new girlfriend. Only, he can't remember her name. He tells me all about how pretty and nice she is, just can't point her out or say her name. I'm thinking she may just be an imaginary friend. Either that or she's out with lice, like most of the girls in his class. Ick! No hugging allowed Ethan!!!!
Wednesday was McTakeover night for my school. We raised a lot of money, but I did not so much enjoy working the drive thru. The boys came through with daddy after he came to pick them out. Another teacher at the first drive thru window asked Brian if he would buy a coupon book. He declined and so she asked if he was just there to see the hot girl in the next window. He said yeah and Ethan yelled out, "That hot girl is my mom!" Hilarious! Poor Brian got it all night. Amy asked if he was Mr. Sprague and said she could tell because of the jeans (I accidentally wore them to school on Tuesday... they felt funny and I couldn't figure it out until she noticed the wallet markings. oops!) It was a fun night, though the hour I spent in the playplace was enough to send me over the edge! We always go at like 4 so we miss the crowds. It was insane in there!
I'm hoping to spend some serious time in our garden this weekend. Ethan is so into plants and seeds right now, I want to use that enthusiasm to get the hard work of clearing it done! Other than that, we have a memorial lunch for my cousin today and I'm going bowling with my friend tonight! (That should be a lot of laughs!) Of course, in true Sprague weekend fashion, we'll find a million other things to do as well! (Except for housework, somehow that never makes it on the list!)
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