Today marked birthday party #3 in two weeks. Seems 3 years, 9 months ago was a very busy time for a lot of people.:) Tonight we celebrated Ethan's (and our) good friend Peyton's birthday. Pizza, cake, and 3 little boys that had a blast.

Ethan really enjoyed this walker. I think I'm going to look for one at garage sales for Lucas for our backyard. I never thought about taking one outside, but it's brilliant. He won't be walking yet this summer and this will keep him from crawling into gross stuff while I'm working on flowers and things. Perfect! Now to find a deal....

These boys had a blast. They tore around, wrestled, threw dirt, and played with all of Peyton's fabulous toys. They did stop for cake and ice cream and a little bit of pizza. Fun times!

Ethan made quick use of the John Deere tractor. He figured out (mostly) how to drive it around, though almost took out a fence and a few bushes. He had fun bossing everyone around. We were laughing about what he'll end up being when he grows up, so I asked him.
"Ethan, what are you going to be when you get big?"
"I don't know."
"Are you going to be a policeman? A doctor?"
"Are you going to run the world?"
"Yeah, I'm going to run the world. Around and around and around."
That's my boy!
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