Oh, what a week.... Tuesday night after we got back from dinner Lucas was a mess and kind of hot - yep, had a temp of 100, and Ethan had been complaining of his stomach all day... So, no daycare for Wednesday. I made the boys a dr. appt for the next morning and wrote some sub plans. Turned out Lucas has double ear infections - oops. And Ethan was just fine. The tummy trouble was probably a combination of stress and the antibiotics. Sooo we spent the day snuggling and resting. It was good. I hate missing school and this was the 6th day since Brian left that I had to be home. That's nuts! I was feeling really stressed until I went to Zumba and pushed myself really hard. Then I went and bought myself some flowers and a stress-relief Yoga Dvd. That should help, right?

Today was a much better day. The boys woke up in great moods and seemed pretty healthy - despite still having nagging coughs. I lined 'em up for their meds and away we went. They had great days at school. Ethan told me all about his tooth necklace and his argument with his teacher about how many teeth were on it. He was right by the way. Or at least the way he tells it. Then tonight I tried to do the yoga video while they were up - thinking they'd enjoy doing it with me. But every time my head was on the floor, Lucas sat on it. And Ethan kept trying to stick me with the thermometer
"Mommy you sick. You 40 bucks. Yous sick. Oh sweetie..."
No, I don't know why I'm 40 bucks. Yes, it's odd. He also was yelling "Chicken Fat!" all night. He's got his quirks.
Tomorrow's Friday! And I am so happy about that!
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