Wednesday, December 30, 2009
Christmas Part.... (I lost track..)
Sunday, December 27, 2009
A Few Fun Moments...
The kids coming up the stairs was a crack up - watching Lucas appear and then trying to figure out what was going on was so cute. Maddie was still sleeping - but she did get up later and enjoyed the fun!
Ethan was so excited about that darn dinosaur game. He really didn't give Santa much notice about it, but luckily Santa came through.
Lucas was perfectly happy with his stuff, but had to check out everyone else's too. He was so funny moving from one thing to another to another to another to another. He loved it all!
Morgan is an amazing Irish Step dancer and Ethan loved jumping around trying to follow her. They are definitely performers!
Merry Christmas 2009!
Saturday, December 26, 2009
And the last day before Christmas....
Nana came over for an early steak dinner and we started the annual rides on the John Deere..... Lucas was finally not freaked out and somewhat enjoyed his ride around the backyard. Ethan took over steering - loved going down into the woods and around the tricky parts....
We came in and were entertained by Morgan's Irish Step Dancing. She really is good and it's hard stuff! I tried but just couldn't figure it out... Ethan was a pro at following her around and jumping up and down.
On the next day of Christmas (week)....
Friday, December 25, 2009
On the first few days of Christmas (week)....
Despite Ethan announcing that he "needed some space" from time to time- those two big kids were inseperable! They were so happy to see each other - I love it!
Sunday, December 20, 2009
We're here!
They were so thrilled to see their cousins. Morgan and Ethan have spent every possiblesecond together - fast friends up to no good! Jumping on the bed (NO!), making parties, playing in the jungle tent, and mostly just giggling really loudly. Lucas tried to follow them everywhere, but mostly just wandered around. He did rip open one of the packages, but luckily it wasn't his. (Don't tell Maddie!) We got to see Nana - so great to spend time with her! Little Maddie and I had a great time this afternoon, sharing nose kisses and chatting about life. She is so sweet.
We're missing Brian, but will see him soon!
Ethan was asking all day if he could open presents. We kept saying no, not for 5 days... So then he conned his Uncle and Auntie into letting them all open a present and told me mom "That was my plan, to open a present tonight." That's my boy!
Saturday, December 19, 2009
Christmas With the McConnels....
Lucas loved his drawing board, but most of all the candy he got - his very own marshmallow santa. He loves loves loves food, that boy! Thank you Auntie Jess and Uncle Todd!
We are so lucky to have so many nice friends! Tomorrow the boys and I head out to Seattle. Brian will join us on Tuesday- practicing his new "commute" by lightrail and ferry. A very exciting Christmas! I will treasure this time together as a family! And I CANNOT wait to see my nieces!!!! One more sleep!
Friday, December 18, 2009
What a Program and HE GOT THE JOB!!!
In other news, Ethan had a most fabulous program last night. He said his line with ease, and sang oh so loud. One set of grandparents there asked me which one was mine. When I told them they said, "OH, he's intense!" Yep, that's my boy! He did announce to the whole audience near the end that he "Has to go potty Miss Karina, NOW!" We all got a kick out of that... well, I did hide for a minute.... He just was so funny - definitely loving the stage, not like anyone I know!
Tonight we were just waiting waiting waiting for Brian to get the call... Ethan and I played school - he was the teacher and bossed me around, while Lucas pretended to be my daddy, saying bye and giving me a kiss. Only he would freak out when I said Daddy and go to the door expecting Brian to be there.... Now, I pack and pack and pack... Not only for our trip, but to move as much stuff of Brian's there as I can manage....
Oh, life is going to get really interesting! Yeah Brian! WE are SOOOO proud of you!
Sunday, December 13, 2009
Sweets and All....
We also got haircuts today, as Ethan was looking more and more like our dog, Duke - shaggy haired! Lucas needed one too- though it's a crime to pay when he still really doesn't have much hair. But, it was over his ears and frizzy in the back, so it needed a trim. Ethan was so good and even sang the entire Rudolph the Red Nosed Reindeer for the staff at Great Clips. He knew every single word - and was very proud of himself.
This week is busy busy busy. Not only is Brian finishing his art "test" (due Friday at 11:00 am), but we have Skate Night on Tuesday, the program Thursday, I CANNOT miss my workouts (due to the inevitable cookie munching at school) and other various getting ready for Christmas things... At least I'm feeling better. It seems Mucinex is my friend and I'm going to make it.
So are my papers graded? Nope. But, the house is clean (kind of), the presents are all bought (except for a few minor things I'll pick up in WA), the Christmas cards are 90% addressed and ready to go out, and I finished the book I was reading, so life can once again go on. Merry Christmas-getting-ready week one and all!
Saturday, December 12, 2009
Snow Fight!!
I now love snow. He just giggled and giggled and was totally mesmerized by the powdery white stuff - even when I threw a shovelful in his face by accident. We threw lots of snowballs and came back coated. Lucas was totally fascinated when we came back in - Ethan brought another snowball to watch melt. Of course now it's been snowing all morning and there is 10 times as much as there was earlier and no longer a clear driveway, but oh well - that was 106 extra calories I burned to be used on the cookies we're going to make!
Friday, December 11, 2009
Early Morning Stories
We might need to work on some of the details.
Thursday, December 10, 2009
In the meantime, it snowed! Above is the picture of the snowball Ethan packed into his pocket to bring inside and watch melt. Then we went to Auntie Jess' "program" - the Living Christmas Tree - at her church. It was freezing, but the program was very cool. We only made it half the night, as Lucas was extremely smelly and Ethan was super wiggly, but still - it was great!
Saturday, December 5, 2009
Merry Early Christmas!
Friday, December 4, 2009
Must be Santa!
Tuesday, December 1, 2009
And a 1 and a 2 and a 5 and a 6....
The boys are still adjusting to not having quite as much attention as they did when Grammy and Grandpa were here. But, they're getting adjusted. They both have had a great week at daycare. Ethan shouted to me when I got there today that he "WAS REALLY GOOD TODAY!!" Do we believe him?
Brian's hard at work on a third animation job from some animation company based out of Seattle, and has a job on the way from the guy that subcontracted him. I feel like I never see him even though he's in the same room! Isn't that weird? I'm excited for Thursday as we're going to my friend Beth's house- as there are rumors that Santa is coming! I will be sure to take pictures then!'
Enough of my boring rambling... I suppose I could tell you that I finished the 10 minute jog today with my class somewhat easily. That was exciting. And 18 of my kids also finished. I was really impressed. And they had their writing TEST today and they did really well. I was cracking up reading what they wrote- they really are AMAZING writers. And amazing kids. Even when they drive me nuts :) Ok- still rambling, so that's how I know it's time to go to bed!
Sunday, November 29, 2009
Thanksgiving - Gobble Gobble!