Ethan has become a huge help all of a sudden. He loves his "Ikas" and tries to keep him entertained by making faces and giving him toys to play with. He can get Lucas to laugh now and I think he really likes that. It's fun seeing that connection.

Ethan swinging all by himself!
And Lucas' first swinging at the park! Please excuse my dorky sounds- they usually make him laugh- but of course not this time!
A bunch of old friends, together for breakfast and play time. It was so crazy to see where life has taken us all. It was fun to catch up, but even more fun to see our kiddos interact. Of course, little man Liam slept the party away, but we were happy to take turns holding him. Lucas was wide eyed in terror when he saw the crowd, but quickly warmed up. He shared his toys much better than Ethan, who got a bit of a selfish streak. 9 month old Jillian followed him around everywhere and just wanted whatever he had. Oh goodness, 4 months from now, when Lucas is in that stage, is going to be a whole new thing, isn't it! Jesse and Lucas are really close in age. He just took it all in, all smiles and giggles and rolled his way around the living room. All such cute kids (if I do say so myself), but then again, look at us! Ha! To think of the times we spent growing up together! I never pictured this- where we're all guzzling coffee in our various sleep-deprived states! It was a lot a lot a lot of fun!
Then we had this....
We picked up my parents from the airport and spent the afternoon/evening having lots of fun! Ethan started by showing off all his valentines- which Lucas wanted oh so bad. He even came so so close to rolling over just to get them. But alas, no rolls yet (besides the ones on his thighs).
As the night went on, the oldest got sillier and sillier, and ended like this...
And the boy loves squash! He finished his oatmeal today and was still looking hungry, so I broke out the squash. It was a hit as you can see from his squash mustache. I picked squash because it kind of seems halfway between a fruit and a vegetable. (I do realize it's a vegetable, but it is sweet. Wait, it is a vegetable, right?)
Ethan's learned that Kenya is no longer the biggest threat to his food. If he leaves it, I have a mean habit of taking a bite. So today at Costco, he had to go to the bathroom. Brian took him and he was yelling across the store- Mommy don't eat it! Mommy don't eat it! Brian said he was even yelling it as he was going potty, in the bathroom. Whoops.
This full moon is killing me! Full moon, Valentine's Day week, and Friday the 13th. Aaargh!
Lucas really did feel better today. Brian and Ethan went to church and Lucas slept the entire time they were gone! I got (almost) caught up on grades and some (not much) housework! He took another long nap this afternoon and has been in great spirits. I LOVE our electronic nasal aspirator! I really think that's why he's getting better so fast. (I am knocking on wood, don't worry.)
Ethan is in dire need of an "inside voice". He's developed this AWFUL habit of yelling everything he says in the house. As I look over all the capital words and exclamation points in this entry, maybe it's a family trait- he's doomed to be overly enthusiastic! Oh well.....
A lot of similarities- but sheesh- Ethan was a big boy!! I wish we hadn't sold that car- sad! You really can see that they're brothers though!