And what a day for it! After 2 nights of conferences, I was ready for a day of no school work. Ethan and I went out this morning to do a little shopping. He was such a good boy and we had a great time. Then we came home, played, and the boys went down for naps. I went over to Jess' house to try to help doing a little problem-solving with little Liam. He is getting so big so fast!
Speaking of so big, so fast.... Lucas got to have apple juice in a sippie cup tonight and he LOVED it.

Ethan has become a huge help all of a sudden. He loves his "Ikas" and tries to keep him entertained by making faces and giving him toys to play with. He can get Lucas to laugh now and I think he really likes that. It's fun seeing that connection.

Ethan has become a huge help all of a sudden. He loves his "Ikas" and tries to keep him entertained by making faces and giving him toys to play with. He can get Lucas to laugh now and I think he really likes that. It's fun seeing that connection.

Lucas ate a TON of solids today. I'm thinking that we haven't been increasing his intake as we should and that might be why nights have been a little bit rougher the last week or so. I think he's ready to be eating some real size meals. Yum-yum! Tonight's menu was bananas and oatmeal. Breakfast for dinner!
For a relaxing day, I'm exhausted (once again). But it really was a happy day. It was fun just to get to laugh with the boys and not be stressed out.
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