Thursday, April 2, 2009

To Swaddle, or Not To Swaddle

We decided to try out the munchkin with no swaddle tonight. We figure we're not sleeping any way, so it's a great time to try it. And maybe he'll do better now that he's old enough (and skilled enough) to put in his own pacifier. It could be a real "duh" moment if it goes well. I forget the kid is already 7 MONTHS old.

The boys Skyped with Grammy and Grandpa tonight after we got back from Costco (dinner for $5 - can't beat that!). Ethan was reading his dinosaur book to them. He was really loving sharing. It was fun to see him really want to talk on there. Lucas did lots of shrieking and bouncing- what he does best!

This morning I told Ethan to ask Savanna today what she wants for her birthday. Did she want a book, a toy, a puzzle? He said she wanted a puzzle. Then he said he wanted a puzzle. I tried to explain that we were getting a present to GIVE to Savanna. We kept getting ready and then righ before we left for daycare he told me to wait and ran and found his dinosaur book. "For Savanna!" he yelled. He was all ready to give her the treasured (read: falling apart, old and gross) book. What a sweetie! I think we'll probably pick out a new book though.... We do want to be invited again :)

It's almost FRIDAY!! It cannot come soon enough. For. Sure.


Jessica said...

good luck- hope it works!

Jessica said...

did it work?

katieanne said...

not so much... he woke up at 1230, then at 5, 510, 520, 530, etc. until brian finally gave up at 6...
i upped the solids today, he ate like twice as much... maybe that will help... I NEED SLEEP
the pacifier is right next to his hand, but will he plop it in? NO...