It feels like this weekend flew by. Saturday was a rough morning- Ethan was grouchy and that made me grouchy. We tried to go to one of my kiddo's basketball games, but I didn't dare try it when just getting to the car caused three separate meltdowns. So we just went grocery shopping and hung out at the house (4 more meltdowns (read tantrums) in the process). Amazing what a nap does though, and Ethan and Lucas were all to excited for dinner with the McConnels. We didn't take many pictures- only Ethan - so here are his two best from the night. The first is of Liam and the second is Todd. Ethan likes to use special effects (read shaking the camera).

Then today we were off to church bright and early. Ethan played hard with Peyton and enjoyed the Sunday School lesson where he learned that "God loves Jesus Ethan." The sermon was on living a simple life and how we hope that when this financial crisis is over, we won't go back to the way we were, but learn from it. Mark had a really interesting interpretation on the "we shall not want" verse and I had honestly been just pondering how superficial that verse seemed to me as I was reading with Ethan the other night. Here's a link to church website, which will have the sermon on it soon... http://www.eastwindcc.com/ . Of course, I had to listen from the Cry Room- Lucas wasn't crying, he was spitting and shrieking- very responsive to the message!

After church, we headed to Tully's to meet Michelle and her beautiful Ella. Ethan was entranced with her, but is getting fed up with all these babies that are too little to play with. Lucas enjoyed it too- don't be fooled by the picture- he was shrieking and bouncing just about the entire "date". It was great to catch up and just sit and chat. Ella's not so tiny anymore, though compared to my monsters, she's teensy!

Another week- lots going on. It always kind of seems that we're in fast forward these days.
1 comment:
We had a great time yesterday. It was so nice to just sit and chat! Ella wanted me to thank Ethan for her new toy. She loves it! I will be at school Wednesday afternoon.
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